Friday 24 April 2009

The vegetable diaries

Hi, I am a virgin, a vegetable virgin. I am twenty-four - and until now have never had more than a passing interest in growing food, why grow it when you can just buy it in Tesco?

Things have changed, I am growing up, I feel my roots spreading under my feet, my age is diversifying, I am like a carrot top - my hair is going ever so slightly green... and under the surface I am growing.

Part of the reason I have suddenly discovered growing my own is The Big Lunch - a project I am working on, it's amazing, it's all about connecting people - like trees that grow side by side - they can be two completely different species, but their leaves can still touch and be beautiful together. Check it out:

So, I have decided to be selfish with my first grow off.... I am planting foods I like and that are easy (I desperately want the gratification of success). I have planted my strawberries, in a little pot, and they look so pretty - their little green leaves peeking up at me. I resist the urge to wipe the soil from their leaves after I lovingly water them. It's actually a little bit like having children - I now understand why middle aged mothers take up gardening after their kids have flown the nest. When my strawberry plants have strawberries, will I cry like a proud grandmother?

I have also planted sweetpeas, those beautiful wispy pretty flowers, I only know what they are because they are my Mum's favourite flowers, and yes, before you ask, I know they are not a vegetable.... but I wanted to grow something from seed to give to my Mum - look Mum - I can grow things - aren't you proud of me! (Why do I always revert to a child when it comes to showing Mum the things I am proud off - waiting for the praise... but I hate it when she tells me I should have done things a different way.... 'look what a mess you have made!').

I am also growing them to give to my neighbours on my Big Lunch, I thought that would be suitably nice - and then maybe they won't mind so much when my friends park en-mass on the road outside my house for our mini (of course noise-less) parties.

I am rather possessive about my little plants... for some reason, I don't think my ever so capable boyfriend would water them right (rationally - I know it's not hard)... but what if he drowns them... gosh - I wonder if this is a fraudian way of me not trusting him - but I do... he is amazing my man, and I must remember - this weekend he is building my raised bed.....

Toodle pip... (is that what earthy types write to sign off?)

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