Thursday 14 May 2009

The survival instinct...

I hope I have instilled the survival instinct in my plants, gosh, I hope they have the will to live while I am not there nattering to them in the safety of my back garden. I have been gone for four days, what could possibly have happened? How bad could it be? Have they grown, have they fallen over, might they have drowned god forbid under my boyfriends over loving care? I am sure they are fine, they are thriving – does he talk to them enough? I think it helps you know, telling your seedlings and your little shoots about your day, I think they like it. How can I hold my Big Lunch if my plants don’t grow?

Actually, I am not being strange. You know how when you think of certain things you imagine how they work inside? It may be completely wrong, but you convince yourself that it is true and that it must be that way – even though you have never been told it. Like the TV, for years, I thought little people were transferred into TV boxes…. Obviously, my delusions were ruined when flat screen TV’s appeared. Well, talking to plants – in my head I think that the tiny little vibrations of my voice stimulate them, the little sound waves keep them motivated and growing, is it so wrong to deny yourself little delusions like that? It’s a bit like the think yourself thin theory – I am thinking my plants big.

I am writing this while sat on a train, I am very excited about seeing how much my plants have grown, I am keen to see if my row of leeks is growing bigger than the boyfriend’s row of leeks… it’s not a competition? Yes it is. Also, Cam and I are in competition as to how many of our neighbours we can get to agree to come to our Big Lunch. Some are a bit dubious - they want to know why we are doing this. I just tell them it’s because we can, because it’s lovely, and because I need someone to feed Megatron and Walter (my fish) while we are away, not forgetting asking someone to water our plants. (I hope they won’t drown them).

I am in Cornwall for two days then back to London for two days and then home for my birthday and then another week. I wonder if I will get that watering can I asked for… is it odd to want a watering can for your twenty fifth birthday?

When I left my sweet peas were standing up like little proud baby soldiers, I wonder if they have a uniform of leaves forming yet, or if they get chilly without coverage…. No frost – I think frost is bad, although if we had any I am sure I would panic, not to self – what happens when there is frost? Someone said actually that glass jars make great mini greenhouses, what a cute idea. I could have a city of green houses in my back garden.

Don’t get me started on green fly, black fly, purple and pink fly…. To be very organic you are supposed to pinch them out – but I think they hear me coming and hide….

I will let you know how they have all fared… what has not lasted… who was the weakest link…hopefully not my boyfriend, note to self, do not give him the silent treatment if he has murdered my plants… as of I would!


Jess x

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