Friday 1 May 2009

Vegetable couture....

My gosh, maybe this is why I am alive. I am feeling like I am starting to fufill my reason for living... growing things! I have my first two shoots from my sweetpeas, it's more satisfying than a massive roast dinner, an open fire, a grand book and a fresh bottle of bubbly all in one. I have produced something wirth my tender loving care. Now I just have to keep my little shoots alive... this is where the hard work comes in.... (my designer clothes don't need looking after - but these plants certainly do). But actually, I am learning that growing your own is essentially quite cheap - once you have the gear (even if you have no idea) it's not that hard to sustain, I have my fingers and my hands, my eyes and my boyfriend... the rest is happening in little dribs and drabs and we are looking at a real great hobby to be taking up what little spare time I actually have. And what a way to spend it. Spreadeagled across the raised bed, mud on my face, knees rapidly sinking into the soil, mud up to my arm pits... and a big cheesy grin as I get as close to my sweetpeas as humanly possible, they must love me, they are growing.

Talking about designers, it's quite funny, I think that I am still making fashion choices even in the mucky business of being a virgin gardener. When I went to pick out my pots - I automatically wanted the most expensive ones, the massive terracota pots and the beautiful elegantly swaying urns. Even the twine I am using - instead of the nasty plastic looking green stuff - I went for the organically produced twine in natural straw.... gorgeous, hang on.... I am talking about string... organic string.

It's not just products that can be fashionable in gardening, the actual plants are too - sometimes it's just not trendy to be growing massive tomatoes, it's the dinky little cherry ones that are cool. Vegetable couture is becoming an obsession. I hope beets are 'in vogue' as my boss gave me some (along with a trowel and forky thing... thanks again boss) and mine are all lined up like a marching parade ready to grow big and strong.

I managed to get my hands on some free tomato plants today... I am so excited... hang on... I don't know what type they are... I hope they are fashionable....


Jess x

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